Infatuation Scripts

Use these Exact Scripts to make him absolutely sure you're the one for him.

It’s the only program specifically designed to trigger The Infatuation Instinct in any man you talk to…

So you can get him thinking about you non-stop… Erase all other women from his mind…

And focus all his romantic and sexual desire onto you stirring up such powerful emotions inside him… He feels like he can’t live without you.

Here's what you'll learn...

Independence Scripts

Which wake up a man’s desire to pursue you by signalling you won’t be ‘won over’ easily

Intrigue Scripts

Which get a man’s attention and arouse his curiosity about you… so he can’t stop thinking about you even if he wants to

Cliffhanger Scripts

To use at the end of any conversation which leave him feeling ‘not quite satisfied’ and giving him the overwhelming feeling like he just HAS to see you again

Barrier Scripts

A lot of women think you need to ‘play games’ by pretending you’re not that into a guy to make him want you… But as long as you have a ‘barrier’ to totally giving yourself to him, you can express as much desire as want without giving control of your relationship over to him.

Curveball Scripts

Which make you seem deeply mysterious, intensifying his curiosity about you, even if he thought he had you “all figured out”.

Shaping Scripts

Which train him to put more and more effort into winning you over… Progressively increasing those feelings of INVESTMENT in you so important for infatuation

Temptation Scripts

Which tempt a man to want to pursue you… while giving him hoops to jump through to make it challenging… Spiking his desire for you beyond the boiling point

“Interested-but-not-sold” Scripts

Which lets a man know he has a chance with you - but that he has to WORK to win you over. Most men are so unaccustomed to women with this attitude, this script alone sends them over the edge into full-on infatuation mode

Urgency Scripts

Which make him feel like if he doesn’t do something IMMEDIATELY, he might lose you forever, giving him a desperate urge to lock you down NOW, while he still can

You have the chance to get Infatuation Scripts… For activating any man’s infatuation instinct… So you’re the only one he can imagine being with… Without him having a CLUE what you’re up to… For more than 80% off.

For a limited time onlyYou can get Infatuation Scripts, For a one-time payment of just $49.95. With no recurring charges or hidden fees.

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Get the program and see everything that’s available completely risk-free, because included in your purchase is a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee. NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

This 100% Money Back Guarantee will ensure that you are COMPLETELY Covered, No Matter What.

Now, because Clayton wanted to make getting this program a total no-brainer for you, he talked to some of the best dating and relationship experts in the world, and convinced them to contribute some exclusive bonuses.

They’re yours, free of charge, for those who purchase

Bonus #1: The Commitment Calculator

In it, you’ll hear from Carlos Cavallo - a guy who spent his entire life CERTAIN marriage wasn’t for him, until he met a woman who turned all of that around.

You’ll hear about the ‘myth of commitment-phobia” and why 99% of men WANT a committed relationship… Even when they appear to be actively avoiding one.

He also goes into The 7 signals that trigger CAUTION in a man and make him go from “interested” to “freaked out” instantly…

If you get nothing else from this program, this will help you avoid the traps so many women fall into that keep them from getting the love they want.

Bonus #2: “Make Any Man Yours For Life”

In it, author Amy North condenses her nearly a decade of experience helping women build happy, loving relationships with the man of their dreams…

And shows you how to cheat-proof your relationship so you never have to worry about him leaving you or being unfaithful.

She goes through the 7 Reasons why men cheat…

The 12 signs your man is cheating…

And the 9 Steps to prevent cheating in your relationship.

Bonus #3: Why Men Shut Women Out

The relationship coach and bestselling author asked a group of women to come up with the most probing, hard-hitting questions they had… And sent them out in an anonymous survey to over 700 men… He then condensed their answers into this fascinating and revealing mini-book which reveals EXACTLY why men shut women out.

Plus answers to many other questions like: 'Why do men cheat?', ‘What are the top 5 traits that makes a man fall in love with a woman?' And lots more…

It contains loads of exact quotes taken straight from the mouths of men. No pulling punches, just the honest, black and white truth…

Giving you insight into the male mind, few women ever get access to which you can use to become the ONE woman he cherishes forever.

Discover the powerful effects these techniques have over a man’s emotions…

For a limited time only, you can get the Complete Digital copy of Infatuation Scripts for only $49.95!
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